What is this?
This is the beginning of the next generation of the project. At first this will require funding and paid support packages. Some of these features have made it into the Community Edition so far but much is in development for the next upcoming Studio version in a private Git repository. The big hitting extra features will be implemented as add-on’s to the existing Community Edition for now until some of the core components are rewritten.
Status of feature development?
Below is a summary of the features planned for v2.0:
- “Complete” means it has been completed and pushed into the PhotoFlare Community Edition.
- “In progress” means it has partly been delivered.
Layer support (In progress)
Show layers in the UI and have menu to add, delete etc. Save files to the ora file format and open from them too.
LibMyPaint support for Advanced paintbrush tool
Allow loading of LibMyPaint brushes from a user directory.
Colour palettesĀ (In progress)
Colour palettes will be managed through the GUI. Add and save palettes will be an option as well as selecting them below the existing colour palette.
New File templates
When creating a new file you will have the option to add a file via a template. Sizes will be loaded from an online service where all phone, tablet and device sizes will be available.
Eraser Tool
The eraser tool will be updated to allow replacing pixels with transparent pixels as well as the existing white pixel option.
Smudge Tool
The quality of the smudge tool will be improved to provide a more high quality result.
Draw shapes
Draw shapes via the pointer tool.
Different types of selection
Create different types of selection via the pointer tool.
Grid supportĀ (In progress)
Apply a grid to the photo/image and allow snapping for precision editing.
Text effects
Apply effects to the text you will be placing on the image.
Icon themes (In progress)
Load icon themes from a user preferences folder.
UI themes
Load User Interface themes from the user preferences folder.
Dialog settingsĀ (Complete)
Each dialog will remember the previous settings and restore as required.
At a minimum we will read and show the EXIF data. Writing this data may be possible at a later date.
New update manager (Complete)
A brand new update manager will be created instead of using an external tool.
New Undo/Redo system
A new system will be implemented to replace the current system and will result in much improved performance for the application.