Studio 1.1 released! 2

PhotoFiltre LX Studio 1.1 has been officially released. This upgrade is free for anyone who Pre-Ordered the year of updates edition or to anyone who purchased a license after we launched 1.0.  As usual you can download a free unlimited trial version from the downloads page.

Colour Option for the Hue Dialog

You can now click on the colour box within the Hue Dialog to open up a colour selection dialog. Suggestion made by the community in the 0.9 Demo release announcement. This is proof we do listen to our community feedback. Why not make a new suggestion in the comments!



Auto Crop Image

Its something small but neat. Auto crop is pretty essential these days. Especially for workflows involving logos and other graphics for web design.


 Negative feature added to adjust menu

Now you can play with a new negative feature added to the Adjust menu.



Zoom to mouse cursor

If you have dual monitors and you paste in a screenshot you no longer have to manually scroll over with the scrollbars after zooming towards the image. Now the zoom will zoom towards where your mouse cursor is on screen. Click the .gif below to view this feature in action.



Plugin system

This studio version is based on the Open Source release 1.0.2. To allow both Open Source and Studio editions co-exist I created an internal Plugin system. This allow proprietary plugins laid on top of Open Source foundations.


Raw Image Support

You can now open various formats of Raw Images. At the moment this is for Linux only but we will work on this feature in a cross platform manner soon.



  • Fixed cropping selection for PointerTool.
  • Added source files for icons.
  • Added .gif, .tiff and .bmp to the open dialog filters and raw formats.
  • Complete tidy of code and code styling.
  • Fixed image position widget not having the selected image.
  • Added Sepia to the Colour filters sub menu.
  • Clicking on a pasted image will change the cursor to show you can move/drag the image.