On a wonderful holiday in Spain at the moment to celebrate a cousins wedding. Its a 50/50 mix of partying and relaxing, but its not such a bad life. I haven’t been on a foreign holiday in quite some time so its a nice chance to get away from my routine of working 5 days a week and chilling on the weekend (wishing that I had more free time). The two things I miss are internet and skateboarding in my local skatepark while I’m here. Obviously I do miss friends/family too. I’ve been without internet for most of this week but sometimes its nice to live a week or two without internet. Less things to distract you and I can just sit back without checking e-mails/social networks every hour or so.
In terms of the project, it will be a slow few months in terms of progress. (code wise) If interested you can checkout the updated release schedule. I plan to fill in the icon gaps for the Windows version soon and try to release the Windows build soon. I need to pickup a Mac OSX machine running Yosemite during July at some point too. For the current 0.5 release the Spray Can Tool is complete and the Line Tool is almost complete. The mystery feature is not ready yet and will remain a mystery for now until the 0.5 Studio build is released.
Time to finish this post here, I need to go out and enjoy some sand, sea and sunshine.