I’ve taken a timeout from the project for a while. I’ve another new project taking up my time and to be honest I was feeling burn’t out on Photoflare development.
After a much needed break and a time out I’m happy to get another release out in the wild. Mostly full of important and some quality of life bug fixes. Although we do have a full translation for Russian which is fantastic!

Downloads will appear here over the next coming days.
- Fixed warning dialog showing on uppercase image formats.
- Fixed selecting Batch filters with no filter selected causes a crash.
- Fixed Eraser Tool setting should not be called Radius.
- Fixed Eraser Tool not making use of your secondary colour.
- Fixed issue with semi opaque images and filters.
- Fixed crash if restarting the app via Preferences dialog and files are still open.
- Fixed Undo history not being cleared after closing a file.
- Fixed SprayCan Tool allowing 1 pixel as radius value.
- Fixed Smudge Tool allowing 1 pixel as radius value.
- Fixed file preview limits too small on NewDialog.
- Fixed text size of zero being allowed in the TextDialog.
- Fixed crash when using color threshold filter on smaller images.
- Fixed crash when closing the TransparentDialog.
- Russian comment and Generic name added to Desktop file.
- Fixed loading of local translation files.
- Fixed flood fill not working with transparent image formats.
- Full Russian translation.