New Dev-PC!

So last week my new development machine arrived! I thought why not show it off to the world. Its a
vast upgrade to my old PC. It is quite the beast, first of all here is my old PC + specs below:


  • Intel Core2Duo 1.86Ghz
  • 1GB DDR Ram – I think that deserves a LMAO!
  • 320GB Hard disk
  • 512MB partially burn’t Nvidia graphics card (which replaced my previously burn’t out 256MB Nvidia graphics card)
  • DVD-RW drive and DVD-ROM drive
  • Built in wireless card

In comparison here are ../pics + specs for my new PC! 🙂


  • Intel i3 3.1Ghz
  • 8GB DDR3 Ram – 8 times more RAM and each stick is much faster!
  • 500GB Hard disk
  • 1GB Asus Nvidia 450GTS
  • Sony DVD-RW drive
  • HD audio

I expect to be able to do development faster on this machine and I don’t need to constantly worry about
RAM anymore. Putting Ubuntu on this machine was easy and everything works out of the box! Setting up
Windows 7 for those disc games we have lying around was less easy but after some driver installations
plus restarts it was good to go!

I still do lots of gaming on Ubuntu though. I redeemed the latest Humble Indie Bundle V on Ubuntu
and its great! I got my new PC from, as they are
based in Ireland… so the delivery was very cheap!

In other news I have recently quit the Xwii project. I no longer had the time to commit to the project
but I may come back to it sometime in the future. It saddened me to post about leaving but its the only
logical thing I could do at the moment. Check out the blog post if you are interested: