The Toolpalette

The Toolpalette contains all of the basic manipulation tools. Here is a brief description of each tool.

 Pointer Tool

Allows you to select areas with left click and crop them via the right click menu. You can also access the right click menu for shortcuts to common features.

Colour Picker

You can pick colours from the image. Set the colour you want to use with left click for setting the primary colour and right click for setting the secondary colour.

Magic Wand

Select specific or custom areas of the image. Areas selected will depend on the natural pixel borders detected within the image.

Line Tool

Draw lines on the image or lines with arrows. Allows use of your primary/secondary colours via left/right click. Also includes options for opacity, size and antialias.

Paint Bucket

Fill large areas of the image. Allows primary and secondary colours. Areas filled will depend on the natural pixel borders detected in the image.

Spray Can

Paint areas of the image with a spray can style effect. Includes options for radius, pressure, dispersion and a rainbow effect which cycles through available primary colours as you move your mouse.

Paint Brush

Paint lines on the image free hand. Use your primary/secondary colours via left/right click. Also includes options for brush type, radius, pressure and antialias.

Advanced Paint Brush

Similar to Paint brush tool but allows different options such as brush style, pressure, step and fade. The brushes available are more advanced and not just the basic circle or square brush available in the PaintBrush Tool.

Clone Stamp

Clone parts of the image and reveal them on another canvas location. Ctrl+Left click to clone part of an image and paint with that selection like a brush. Options are available are radius, pressure, step, fixed, precise and diffuse.

Note: Step option only works in “Fixed” mode.

Blur Tool

Blur areas of the image. Options include radius and pressure. For best results use a small level of pressure and the desired radius you wish to use.

Eraser Tool

Erase certain parts of an image. Radius is the only option currently. The Eraser Tool supports erasing with white colour and does not yet support transparency.


Use to smear pixels on the image. Options include radius and pressure. Like the Blur Tool a small amount of pressure works best and select your desired radius.