Dedicated development days

My goal this year

I want to improve my development on this project and in particular the next Studio version. Hopefully with enough support from the community of PhotoFlare users I can dedicate regular development days for this project. This will depend on the level of success with our new pricing model.

What is a dedicated development day?

I will be renting space in an office building with a nice work friendly atmosphere like you see in the picture above. I will have an open space to think and develop in peace, WiFi, seats/desks, good coffee, meeting rooms and people running similar small scale projects to discuss ideas and project issues. The day will be a full work day from the early morning to late afternoon. Most of the time will be spent on Studio v2.0 development and the remaining time on supporting the Community Edition.

How we can make this happen?

Its very simple, just support the project via the new pricing page. Even the Supporter level would be a great option to give support to us and with minimal impact to your personal finances. No matter which level you choose you will gain access to our new members area and be able to download builds of the new Studio version in development.