The project has had a troubled past with supporting Mac OS. We have always stated Photoflare to be Cross Platform. This is still true. The code does run on all […]
Before I spend any longer deliberating over the title of this post I’ll just get right into it. Throughout the last six years or so I previously worked as a […]
Photoflare v1.6.0 is almost ready. Updated translations will be needed before release as some items in the Preferences were not translatable previously. Documentation is moving to Github pages instead of […]
My goal this year I want to improve my development on this project and in particular the next Studio version. Hopefully with enough support from the community of PhotoFlare users […]
Just to notify everyone that Ubuntu will soon be entering feature freeze for 19.04 (Disco Dingo). This will be the first Ubuntu release that PhotoFlare will officially be a part […]
I’ve gotten many e-mails recently asking about the new pricing format listed here. I will try to give everyone a simple breakdown of the support levels and how we will […]