Before I spend any longer deliberating over the title of this post I’ll just get right into it. Throughout the last six years or so I previously worked as a […]
I’m back from Saarbrucken where the annual Libre Graphics Meeting was held for 2019. I did miss the first two days of it on purpose as I have never been […]
Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco Dingo) has just been released today. I’m proud to announce Photoflare is now an official part of the Ubuntu repository and available straight from the Ubuntu Store. […]
I will be travelling to Saarbrucken, Germany to attend the annual LGM and my first LGM event in general. Naturally PhotoFlare will be talked about and have a presence at […]
My goal this year I want to improve my development on this project and in particular the next Studio version. Hopefully with enough support from the community of PhotoFlare users […]
So during my spare time I’ve been helping out a very special Open Source project. Its a project to create an Open Source and Cross Platform video editor with advanced […]