This post is more personal than usual. I just want to say that recently I have been hired as a full
time web developer. This project is one of the key things that helped to secure the job and unknown
to many this project also helped me find the love of my life. For those reasons this project is
still very important to me and I should keep going until its finished.
All the hours of being in my bedroom my parents thought I was wasting my time playing games. While
some of that is true, alot of the time I spent working on projects and building a strong portfolio.
Employers will think that qualifications are pretty cool but you need to prove that you do really
love to code projects.
Originally I was aiming for a release this summer but I will now be very busy with my new job. As
a result the next release might have to be towards the end of the year. I have now reached a peak of
happiness in life, hopefully this positive trend will continue into the future!